안드로이드/안드로이드 프레임워크

StartActivity 호출 시 코드 진행 순서 3

냥냥냥냥냥냥 2022. 4. 30. 23:50

이번에는 activity 관점에서 한 번 보려고 한다

2번 포스팅에서 시작했던 ActivityStarter를 다시 한 번 보도록 하자


바쁘신 분들을 위해 sequence diagram 첨부합니다

오늘 분석해볼 과정에 대한 sequence


먼저 시작점은 startActivityUnchecked를 할 때 doResume 파라미터에 true를 넣어주고 있다

mLastStartActivityResult = startActivityUnchecked(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession,
        request.voiceInteractor, startFlags, true /* doResume */, checkedOptions,
        inTask, inTaskFragment, restrictedBgActivity, intentGrants);




     * Start an activity while most of preliminary checks has been done and caller has been
     * confirmed that holds necessary permissions to do so.
     * Here also ensures that the starting activity is removed if the start wasn't successful.
    private int startActivityUnchecked(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, Task inTask,
            TaskFragment inTaskFragment, boolean restrictedBgActivity,
            NeededUriGrants intentGrants) {
        int result = START_CANCELED;
        boolean startResultSuccessful = false;
        final Task startedActivityRootTask;
        try {
            Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER, "startActivityInner");
            result = startActivityInner(r, sourceRecord, voiceSession, voiceInteractor,   // startActivityInner 호출
                    startFlags, doResume, options, inTask, inTaskFragment, restrictedBgActivity,
            startResultSuccessful = ActivityManager.isStartResultSuccessful(result);
     * Start an activity and determine if the activity should be adding to the top of an existing
     * task or delivered new intent to an existing activity. Also manipulating the activity task
     * onto requested or valid root-task/display.
     * Note: This method should only be called from {@link #startActivityUnchecked}.
    // TODO(b/152429287): Make it easier to exercise code paths through startActivityInner
    int startActivityInner(final ActivityRecord r, ActivityRecord sourceRecord,
            IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession, IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor,
            int startFlags, boolean doResume, ActivityOptions options, Task inTask,
            TaskFragment inTaskFragment, boolean restrictedBgActivity,
            NeededUriGrants intentGrants) {
        setInitialState(r, options, inTask, inTaskFragment, doResume, startFlags, sourceRecord,
                voiceSession, voiceInteractor, restrictedBgActivity);  // 여기서 mDoResume true 변경
        if (mDoResume) {
            final ActivityRecord topTaskActivity = startedTask.topRunningActivityLocked();
            if (!mTargetRootTask.isTopActivityFocusable()
                    || (topTaskActivity != null && topTaskActivity.isTaskOverlay()
                    && mStartActivity != topTaskActivity)) {
                // If the activity is not focusable, we can't resume it, but still would like to
                // make sure it becomes visible as it starts (this will also trigger entry
                // animation). An example of this are PIP activities.
                // Also, we don't want to resume activities in a task that currently has an overlay
                // as the starting activity just needs to be in the visible paused state until the
                // over is removed.
                // Passing {@code null} as the start parameter ensures all activities are made
                // visible.                    
            } else {
                // If the target root-task was not previously focusable (previous top running
                // activity on that root-task was not visible) then any prior calls to move the
                // root-task to the will not update the focused root-task.  If starting the new
                // activity now allows the task root-task to be focusable, then ensure that we
                // now update the focused root-task accordingly.
                if (mTargetRootTask.isTopActivityFocusable()
                        && !mRootWindowContainer.isTopDisplayFocusedRootTask(mTargetRootTask)) {
                    mTargetRootTask.moveToFront("startActivityInner");  // 여기


private void setInitialState(ActivityRecord r, ActivityOptions options, Task inTask,
        TaskFragment inTaskFragment, boolean doResume, int startFlags,
        ActivityRecord sourceRecord, IVoiceInteractionSession voiceSession,
        IVoiceInteractor voiceInteractor, boolean restrictedBgActivity) {
    reset(false /* clearRequest */);
        // If the caller has asked not to resume at this point, we make note
        // of this in the record so that we can skip it when trying to find
        // the top running activity.
        mDoResume = doResume;


복잡해보이지만 하나 하나 차근차근 보자

바로 위에 있는 setInitialState 메서드 내에서 mDoResume을 doResume으로 변경해주고 있다

(startActivityUnchecked를 할 때 doResume 파라미터에 true를 넣어주고 있다 맨 위 참고)



        if (mDoResume) {
            final ActivityRecord topTaskActivity = startedTask.topRunningActivityLocked();
            if (!mTargetRootTask.isTopActivityFocusable()
                    || (topTaskActivity != null && topTaskActivity.isTaskOverlay()
                    && mStartActivity != topTaskActivity)) {
                // If the activity is not focusable, we can't resume it, but still would like to
                // make sure it becomes visible as it starts (this will also trigger entry
                // animation). An example of this are PIP activities.
                // Also, we don't want to resume activities in a task that currently has an overlay
                // as the starting activity just needs to be in the visible paused state until the
                // over is removed.
                // Passing {@code null} as the start parameter ensures all activities are made
                // visible.                    
            } else {     // 우리가 봐야할 부분!
                // If the target root-task was not previously focusable (previous top running
                // activity on that root-task was not visible) then any prior calls to move the
                // root-task to the will not update the focused root-task.  If starting the new
                // activity now allows the task root-task to be focusable, then ensure that we
                // now update the focused root-task accordingly.
                if (mTargetRootTask.isTopActivityFocusable()
                        && !mRootWindowContainer.isTopDisplayFocusedRootTask(mTargetRootTask)) {
                    mTargetRootTask.moveToFront("startActivityInner");  // 여기

보기에 복잡하겠지만 주석도 적어뒀다 (사실 주석 안읽어보면 히스토리 잘 모르겠어서 ㅎㅎ)


우리가 결론적으로 볼 부분은 아래 else 부분이긴 한데 왜 위는 아닐까?

주석과 코드를 보면 결국 Top activity가 focusable한 상황이 아니거나 혹은 topActivity가 taskOverlay인 경우 인데,
이 경우가 바로 pip 상황인 것이다
(유투브 프리미엄 사용 중에 영상 시작하고 있다가 home 이나 recent 가게 되면 조그만하게 창 떠서 실행되고 있는 상황)


자 그럼 다시 else를 보게 되면 

targetRootTask를 moveToFront 해준다



    void moveToFront(String reason) {
        moveToFront(reason, null);

    void moveToFront(String reason, Task task) {
        moveToFrontInner(reason, task);
     * @param reason The reason for moving the root task to the front.
     * @param task If non-null, the task will be moved to the top of the root task.
    void moveToFrontInner(String reason, Task task) {
        if (!isAttached()) {

        final Task lastFocusedTask = isRootTask() ? taskDisplayArea.getFocusedRootTask() : null;
        if (task == null) {
            task = this;
        task.getParent().positionChildAt(POSITION_TOP, task, true /* includingParents */);
        taskDisplayArea.updateLastFocusedRootTask(lastFocusedTask, reason);

여기서 부터 또 피곤한 일이 시작이 되는데..

task의 getParent를 불게 되고 거기서 positionChildAt을 호출한다

이제 그러면 task이 호적 조사를 좀 해볼건데.. (jyp의 어머님이 누구니가 떠오른다..)


 * {@link Task} is a TaskFragment that can contain a group of activities to perform a certain job.
 * Activities of the same task affinities usually group in the same {@link Task}. A {@link Task}
 * can also be an entity that showing in the Recents Screen for a job that user interacted with.
 * A {@link Task} can also contain other {@link Task}s.
class Task extends TaskFragment 

 * A basic container that can be used to contain activities or other {@link TaskFragment}, which
 * also able to manage the activity lifecycle and updates the visibilities of the activities in it.
class TaskFragment extends WindowContainer<WindowContainer>

 * Defines common functionality for classes that can hold windows directly or through their
 * children in a hierarchy form.
 * The test class is {@link WindowContainerTests} which must be kept up-to-date and ran anytime
 * changes are made to this class.
class WindowContainer<E extends WindowContainer> extends ConfigurationContainer<E>

 * Container for grouping WindowContainer below DisplayContent.
 * DisplayAreas are managed by a {@link DisplayAreaPolicy}, and can override configurations and
 * can be leashed.
 * DisplayAreas can contain nested DisplayAreas.
 * DisplayAreas come in three flavors, to ensure that windows have the right Z-Order:
 * - BELOW_TASKS: Can only contain BELOW_TASK DisplayAreas and WindowTokens that go below tasks.
 * - ABOVE_TASKS: Can only contain ABOVE_TASK DisplayAreas and WindowTokens that go above tasks.
 * - ANY: Can contain any kind of DisplayArea, and any kind of WindowToken or the Task container.
 * @param <T> type of the children of the DisplayArea.
public class DisplayArea<T extends WindowContainer> extends WindowContainer<T> {

 * {@link DisplayArea} that represents a section of a screen that contains app window containers.
 * The children can be either {@link Task} or {@link TaskDisplayArea}.
final class TaskDisplayArea extends DisplayArea<WindowContainer> {

이런 식으로 되어 있다


Task -> TaskFragment -> WindowContainer -> DisplayArea -> TaskDisplayArea 형식이라고 그냥 간단히 보자


그럼 결국 아까 저 위 코드는

task.getParent().positionChildAt(POSITION_TOP, task, true /* includingParents */);

task의 parent의 postionChildAt 메서드가 불리게 될 것이다






    void positionChildAt(int position, WindowContainer child, boolean includingParents) {
        if (child.asTaskDisplayArea() != null) {
            super.positionChildAt(position, child, includingParents);
        } else if (child.asTask() != null) {
            positionChildTaskAt(position, child.asTask(), includingParents);  // 여기
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "TaskDisplayArea can only position Task and TaskDisplayArea, but found "
                            + child);
    private void positionChildTaskAt(int position, Task child, boolean includingParents) {
        final boolean moveToTop = position >= getChildCount() - 1;
        final boolean moveToBottom = position <= 0;    
        // Update the top resumed activity because the preferred top focusable task may be changed.

TaskSupervisor의 updateTopResumedActivityIfNeeded를 확인해보자




ActivityTaskSupervisor.java #updateTopResumedActivityIfNeeded

     * Updates the record of top resumed activity when it changes and handles reporting of the
     * state changes to previous and new top activities. It will immediately dispatch top resumed
     * state loss message to previous top activity (if haven't done it already). After the previous
     * activity releases the top state and reports back, message about acquiring top state will be
     * sent to the new top resumed activity.
    void updateTopResumedActivityIfNeeded() {
        final ActivityRecord prevTopActivity = mTopResumedActivity;
        final Task topRootTask = mRootWindowContainer.getTopDisplayFocusedRootTask();
        if (topRootTask == null || topRootTask.getTopResumedActivity() == prevTopActivity) {
            if (mService.isSleepingLocked()) {
                // There won't be a next resumed activity. The top process should still be updated
                // according to the current top focused activity.
                mService.updateTopApp(null /* topResumedActivity */);


이 메서드 내에서는 scheduleTopResumedActivityStateIfNeeded 메서드를 확인 해보자





ActivityTaskSupervisor.java  #scheduleTopResumedActivityStateIfNeeded

     * Cached value of the topmost resumed activity in the system. Updated when new activity is
     * resumed.
    private ActivityRecord mTopResumedActivity;

    /** Schedule top resumed state change if previous top activity already reported back. */
    private void scheduleTopResumedActivityStateIfNeeded() {
        if (mTopResumedActivity != null && !mTopResumedActivityWaitingForPrev) {
            mTopResumedActivity.scheduleTopResumedActivityChanged(true /* onTop */);

결국 ActivityRecord의 scheduleTopResumedActivityChanged를 봐야한다~





ActivityRecord.java  #scheduleTopResumedActivityChanged

    final ActivityTaskManagerService mAtmService;
	boolean scheduleTopResumedActivityChanged(boolean onTop) {
        if (!attachedToProcess()) {
                    "Can't report activity position update - client not running, "
                            + "activityRecord=%s", this);
            return false;
        try {
            ProtoLog.v(WM_DEBUG_STATES, "Sending position change to %s, onTop: %b",
                    this, onTop);

            mAtmService.getLifecycleManager().scheduleTransaction(app.getThread(), appToken,
                    TopResumedActivityChangeItem.obtain(onTop));  // 여기 
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // If process died, whatever.
            Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to send top-resumed=" + onTop + " to " + this, e);
            return false;
        return true;

결국 여기선 ClientLifeCycleManager의 메서드를 봐야한다





ClientLifeCycleManager.java  #scheduleTransaction


     * Schedule a transaction, which may consist of multiple callbacks and a lifecycle request.
     * @param transaction A sequence of client transaction items.
     * @throws RemoteException
     * @see ClientTransaction
    void scheduleTransaction(ClientTransaction transaction) throws RemoteException {
        final IApplicationThread client = transaction.getClient();
        if (!(client instanceof Binder)) {
            // If client is not an instance of Binder - it's a remote call and at this point it is
            // safe to recycle the object. All objects used for local calls will be recycled after
            // the transaction is executed on client in ActivityThread.


     * Schedule a single lifecycle request or callback to client activity.
     * @param client Target client.
     * @param activityToken Target activity token.
     * @param stateRequest A request to move target activity to a desired lifecycle state.
     * @throws RemoteException
     * @see ClientTransactionItem
    void scheduleTransaction(@NonNull IApplicationThread client, @NonNull IBinder activityToken,
            @NonNull ActivityLifecycleItem stateRequest) throws RemoteException {
        final ClientTransaction clientTransaction = transactionWithState(client, activityToken,

자 그럼 transaction.schedule을 보러 가보자




ClientTranaction.java  #scheduleTransaction

    /** Target client. */
    private IApplicationThread mClient;
     * Schedule the transaction after it was initialized. It will be send to client and all its
     * individual parts will be applied in the following sequence:
     * 1. The client calls {@link #preExecute(ClientTransactionHandler)}, which triggers all work
     *    that needs to be done before actually scheduling the transaction for callbacks and
     *    lifecycle state request.
     * 2. The transaction message is scheduled.
     * 3. The client calls {@link TransactionExecutor#execute(ClientTransaction)}, which executes
     *    all callbacks and necessary lifecycle transitions.
    public void schedule() throws RemoteException {

mClient는 IApplicationThread이다

이런 형식의 aidl 파일은IApplicationThread.Stub 형태로 쓰이는 부분을 찾아야 한다 

찾아보면 아래처럼 ApplicationThread가 실제 구현체 부분임


private class ApplicationThread extends IApplicationThread.Stub {
    private static final String DB_INFO_FORMAT = "  %8s %8s %14s %14s  %s";



ApplicationThread.java  #scheduleTransaction

 * This manages the execution of the main thread in an
 * application process, scheduling and executing activities,
 * broadcasts, and other operations on it as the activity
 * manager requests.
 * {@hide}
public final class ActivityThread extends ClientTransactionHandler
        implements ActivityThreadInternal {

    private class ApplicationThread extends IApplicationThread.Stub {
        private static final String DB_INFO_FORMAT = "  %8s %8s %14s %14s  %s";

        public void scheduleTransaction(ClientTransaction transaction) throws RemoteException {

결국 위의 코드는 IApplicationThread.Stub을 상속받은 ApplicationThread의 schduleTransaction을 호출 하면

ActivityThread에 선언되어 있는 schduleTransaction를 호출하게 되는데 ActivityThread 내부에는 해당 메서드가 없다

따라서 결국 그 부모인 ClientTransactionHandler를 봐야하는 것이다


 * Defines operations that a {@link android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction} or its items
 * can perform on client.
 * @hide
public abstract class ClientTransactionHandler {

    // Schedule phase related logic and handlers.

    /** Prepare and schedule transaction for execution. */
    void scheduleTransaction(ClientTransaction transaction) {
        sendMessage(ActivityThread.H.EXECUTE_TRANSACTION, transaction);
     * Get the {@link TransactionExecutor} that will be performing lifecycle transitions and
     * callbacks for activities.
    abstract TransactionExecutor getTransactionExecutor();

    abstract void sendMessage(int what, Object obj);

이 코드에서는 결국 아래의 what을 메세지에 던저 주고 그것을 ActivityThread내부에서 처리해주게 된다







    // An executor that performs multi-step transactions.
    private final TransactionExecutor mTransactionExecutor = new TransactionExecutor(this);
   class H extends Handler {
            public static final int EXECUTE_TRANSACTION = 159;
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, ">>> handling: " + codeToString(msg.what));
            switch (msg.what) {
                case EXECUTE_TRANSACTION:
                    final ClientTransaction transaction = (ClientTransaction) msg.obj;
                    if (isSystem()) {
                        // Client transactions inside system process are recycled on the client side
                        // instead of ClientLifecycleManager to avoid being cleared before this
                        // message is handled.
                    // TODO(lifecycler): Recycle locally scheduled transactions.

이제 거의 다왔다 

TransactionExecutor의 execute 코드를 한 번 보자



 * Resolve transaction.
 * First all callbacks will be executed in the order they appear in the list. If a callback
 * requires a certain pre- or post-execution state, the client will be transitioned accordingly.
 * Then the client will cycle to the final lifecycle state if provided. Otherwise, it will
 * either remain in the initial state, or last state needed by a callback.
public void execute(ClientTransaction transaction) {
    if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) Slog.d(TAG, tId(transaction) + "Start resolving transaction");

    final IBinder token = transaction.getActivityToken();

        if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) Slog.d(TAG, tId(transaction) + "End resolving transaction");

executeCallbacks 부분을 확인해보면



    /** Cycle through all states requested by callbacks and execute them at proper times. */
    public void executeCallbacks(ClientTransaction transaction) {
        final List<ClientTransactionItem> callbacks = transaction.getCallbacks();
        if (callbacks == null || callbacks.isEmpty()) {
            // No callbacks to execute, return early.
        final int size = callbacks.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            final ClientTransactionItem item = callbacks.get(i);
            if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) Slog.d(TAG, tId(transaction) + "Resolving callback: " + item);
            final int postExecutionState = item.getPostExecutionState();
            final int closestPreExecutionState = mHelper.getClosestPreExecutionState(r,
            if (closestPreExecutionState != UNDEFINED) {
                cycleToPath(r, closestPreExecutionState, transaction);
            item.execute(mTransactionHandler, token, mPendingActions);
            item.postExecute(mTransactionHandler, token, mPendingActions);



 * Transition the client between states with an option not to perform the last hop in the
 * sequence. This is used when resolving lifecycle state request, when the last transition must
 * be performed with some specific parameters.
private void cycleToPath(ActivityClientRecord r, int finish, boolean excludeLastState,
        ClientTransaction transaction) {
    final int start = r.getLifecycleState();
        Slog.d(TAG, tId(transaction) + "Cycle activity: "
                + getShortActivityName(r.token, mTransactionHandler)
                + " from: " + getStateName(start) + " to: " + getStateName(finish)
                + " excludeLastState: " + excludeLastState);
    final IntArray path = mHelper.getLifecyclePath(start, finish, excludeLastState);
    performLifecycleSequence(r, path, transaction);

/** Transition the client through previously initialized state sequence. */
private void performLifecycleSequence(ActivityClientRecord r, IntArray path,
        ClientTransaction transaction) {
    final int size = path.size();
    for (int i = 0, state; i < size; i++) {
        state = path.get(i);
        if (DEBUG_RESOLVER) {
            Slog.d(TAG, tId(transaction) + "Transitioning activity: "
                    + getShortActivityName(r.token, mTransactionHandler)
                    + " to state: " + getStateName(state));
        switch (state) {
            case ON_CREATE:
                mTransactionHandler.handleLaunchActivity(r, mPendingActions,
                        null /* customIntent */);
            case ON_START:
                mTransactionHandler.handleStartActivity(r, mPendingActions,
                        null /* activityOptions */);
            case ON_RESUME:
                mTransactionHandler.handleResumeActivity(r, false /* finalStateRequest */,
                        r.isForward, "LIFECYCLER_RESUME_ACTIVITY");
            case ON_PAUSE:
                mTransactionHandler.handlePauseActivity(r, false /* finished */,
                        false /* userLeaving */, 0 /* configChanges */, mPendingActions,
            case ON_STOP:
                mTransactionHandler.handleStopActivity(r, 0 /* configChanges */,
                        mPendingActions, false /* finalStateRequest */,
            case ON_DESTROY:
                mTransactionHandler.handleDestroyActivity(r, false /* finishing */,
                        0 /* configChanges */, false /* getNonConfigInstance */,
                        "performLifecycleSequence. cycling to:" + path.get(size - 1));
            case ON_RESTART:
                mTransactionHandler.performRestartActivity(r, false /* start */);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected lifecycle state: " + state);

각 state별로 처리를 해주게 된다